CAP Education

Featured Activities

Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology
A CME program where participants learn the latest in diagnostics and treatment from a multidisciplinary team.
Interactive Surgical Pathology Cases
An interactive live, breast pathology session that mimics the diagnostic process while earning CMEs.
Competency Assessment Hub
Documenting competency assessment is 100% easier at 50% of the investment. Order for a reduced price.
Essentials of Laboratory Management
Interactive online curriculum that provides tools you need to flourish in your chosen career path.


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Proficiency Testing Results
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Joint Providership
Find out about CAP’s Joint Providership Program
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New Education Program Proposals

Pathologists, do you have an idea for a new educational course? The CAP wants to hear from you.

Use your proficiency and expertise to prepare others for success by helping them keep their scientific knowledge and diagnostic skills current.

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