We are an accredited (with commendation) ACCME provider and are proud to offer Joint Providership to organizations that offer educational activities complementary to our mission statement.

If you are an organization, seeking Joint Providership for an educational activity related to pathology or laboratory science, we are happy to consider your educational programs for our Joint Providership program. Below is explanation of the Joint Providership levels and our fees. If you have questions or you are interested in seeking Joint Providership, please contact us to request an application package.

Joint Providership Levels

  • Level One: A nonprofit local/regional pathology society.
  • Level Two: A non-profit entity other than a local/regional pathology society that is offering education complimentary to the CAP’s mission statement.
 Level OneLevel Two
Pre-Application Fee**Not required$400.00
Application Fee*$500.00$800.00
Fee per CME Credit***$110.00$175.00
Ineligible company financial support for CME portions of event handling fee per sponsor (only if applicable)****$600.00 + travel$750.00 + travel

*No more than three distinct (different dates. locations etc.) activities will be permitted per application.
** No fee is required if a tax-free (non-profit) statement is submitted. The completed pre-application form may
     still be required.
*** Add $35.00 per credit if CE credit for non-physicians is requested along with the accredited CE (CME).
****See question 3 for more information on the definition of an ineligible company.

Joint Providership CME Application


Contact Us

Lisa Brown, Continuing Education Program Manager
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 847-832-7378